Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If All is Grounded You Should Go Make a Mountain Out of It

I saw a psychic on Saturday. She was good. I was skeptical but she said too much, knew too much. She wasn't right about a couple things, but what she knew was just eerie. She told me that my heart was empty. Which although true made me sad and how pointedly she said it. And then she started discussing a man from my past and how I started talking to him again. I thought she was talking about Dan and I told her that even though we go through the whole talking, not talking thing, I hadn't spoke to him in over a month. She gave me this skeptical look and said, "Are you sure you haven't been texting him?" and I said no, but she didn't believe me. So she told me if he called me in the next two days to not answer, not see him. At least for the next two days. She said he was going to contact me and try and come back again in my life. So I said okay, not really thinking it was true.

She also said there's been a separation from a female friend. To which I told her that there hasn't been any falling out. She said, "that doesn't mean you're not growing apart or that your relationship is not what it used to be". Which makes me sad because I feel like that's true. I don't want to grow apart. She also asked me why I didn't move or apply for a job that I wanted. I knew exactly what she meant. There was this job in LA working as an assistant for a designer or something, I forget all the details now. But I thought about applying. I looked at a lot of jobs in LA for awhile before I got this job at Delta. I dreamed of moving down there and starting over and taking a big chance. But I didn't do it, I was too scared. She said I'm stuck. That I go do my job but it's not what I want to do long term and I need to take a chance. Blah, I hypervenilate a bit when I think about it. I wish I was braver. She knew a few other things too, it was an incredible experience really. To have a stranger tell you what you've tried to ignore.

Oh, the best part is this, when I was driving home Andy texted me. He and I haven't seen each other in over 2 years. We always try and make plans, but never see each other. We go through phases where we IM and text and then nothing for awhile and repeat this pattern. We've been talking the past month again. Anyway, he texted me and wanted to know if I wanted to have coffee the next day. I said yes and couldn't believe we were finally going to see each other after so long. We chatted a bit more and it's when he said, "I'm stepping up to the plate here and trying to make an effort to make this work" that I realized, she wasn't talking about Dan she was talking about Andy. I couldn't believe it. I told him that I couldn't see him, I just realized she was talking about him and not Dan. He understood but told me that he has been planning on meditating and cutting off social contact until after his birthday November 10th and that Sunday was his last day he could see me. Which means that the 2 days the psychic asked me not to see him would extend another 6 weeks or so.

Have you just ever felt fate fall into place? How the chain of events of me seeing the psychic and her telling me not to see him could change who knows what. I just know that I did the right thing not seeing him. I wonder what would have happened though if I had. What is my alternate course of events I'm preventing?

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