Wednesday, December 3, 2008


You know what I love about this time of year? I love how it's cold and I get to wear heavy jackets, scarves, knit hats, gloves...the possibilities are endless. I love that it rains and the air gets thick with fog. I love hot chocolate with marshmallows and driving up to the snow. I love Christmas music and Christmas socks. I love getting to spend time with my friends and family and I REALLY love that I'll have two weeks off this year. I definitely love working at a school. I haven't had a proper Christmas vacation since graduating from high school five years ago.

I look forward to making memories on some adventures soon. I rather not plan too hard but I want to go to the snow, Disneyland, LA, San Francisco and lots of time in Sacramento. It will be great.

However, I do not like the crowds of people driving their cars around me or the ridiculous amount of people in stores these days with pissy attitudes. I went to Best Buy yesterday to get Britney's CD (go get No seriously.) and I didn't even think about the fact that there would be a longer line then say a week ago. It took me over 20 minutes to wait to pay for my one item, but I tried to be positive. Although I did whine a bit, at least I'm trying to keep positive. It's the season for giving not grinching! I know that if someone was buying me a gift (and I will not stop you if that is something you'd like to do!) I know that I would want the experience while obtaining said gift to be good. I don't want a bad-karma gift. So please do your part and enjoy shopping. Giving shouldn't be an obligation...ever.

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